Sunday, June 28, 2020

A New Beginning

Sunrise in Mexico
2 Corinthians 4:16
"Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."NIV

    This is a new beginning in that I have not written in a long time.  I can't believe my last post was in 2014.  At that time, I allowed some criticism to silence my thoughts.  So, after a long break I am going to complete this project that I believe is inspired by God.  During my daily quiet time and meditation, this mission keeps coming back to me again and again.  When I started out, my goal was to create a daily devotional dealing with everyday things that we struggle with as Christians, and encourage you to write in a journal your own thoughts.  That is still the same idea, but after reading some of my long winded diatribes, I have decided to adjust my attempt.  So, from now I on I am going to keep my thoughts to about 200 words.  So, you are going to need the following:

1.  A Bible
2.  A Journal of some kind
3.  A writing implement

    This is how it will work.  I am going to start with a scripture that encompasses my thoughts for the day.  When you look up the scripture, read the entire passage associated with the verse.  Sometimes the whole context is better than just a verse.
After reading the scripture, read my thoughts for the day and see if there is something in your life that you have dealt with in a similar matter.
Finally, write down a response to the message for the day and any prayers.

    I promise that you will begin to enjoy the deeper relationship with Christ that I have experienced.  The really cool thing is to go back in about six months and read your prayer requests.  You will be surprised to find how many of them have been answered.

Blessings to All

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